I included this picture because I wanted you to see the cute little elephant on her shirt. Now why would I buy her an outfit with an elephant shirt???
Here, she is playing with her Aunt Melanie's slinky. Luckily, she didn't break this one. =) She's actually running away from me because she knew I was about to take the slinky away. I really thought she would break it since she had it stretched to fit around her waist.
And this picture is absolutely priceless. What a 'tude! She was walking around playing with her cousins cellphone- and not letting him get near her or it. She kept putting the phone to her ear to talk to different people. When I took this picture, I just know she was looking at me saying, "What Mom???!!!"
What a cutie! I love the elephant shirt. :) But mostly I love that last picture- she has so much sass!!
I have NO idea why you'd buy an elephant shirt...Ellie! :) Miss Addi was just wanting to talk to the girls and I!!
Hello, Addison... it's Papa D! Love the attitude in the cell phone pic... hummm... de-ja-vue... have seen that look many many times several years ago... now, how could that be??????
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