Saturday, April 19, 2008

To Grandmothers House We Go

We went to visit Addison's Great Grandparents today. She had so much fun playing with them and her two cousins. In the first picture, you can see the boo-boo next to her right eye. Last week she ran her toy car into the desk at the babysitters house.

I included this picture because I wanted you to see the cute little elephant on her shirt. Now why would I buy her an outfit with an elephant shirt???
Here, she is playing with her Aunt Melanie's slinky. Luckily, she didn't break this one. =) She's actually running away from me because she knew I was about to take the slinky away. I really thought she would break it since she had it stretched to fit around her waist.
And this picture is absolutely priceless. What a 'tude! She was walking around playing with her cousins cellphone- and not letting him get near her or it. She kept putting the phone to her ear to talk to different people. When I took this picture, I just know she was looking at me saying, "What Mom???!!!"


Marci said...

What a cutie! I love the elephant shirt. :) But mostly I love that last picture- she has so much sass!!

Dallas said...

I have NO idea why you'd buy an elephant shirt...Ellie! :) Miss Addi was just wanting to talk to the girls and I!!

Pr.David on Sabbatical said...

Hello, Addison... it's Papa D! Love the attitude in the cell phone pic... hummm... de-ja-vue... have seen that look many many times several years ago... now, how could that be??????

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