Friday, May 23, 2008

First Haircut

Addison had her very first haircut yesterday! I had to convince Daddy to let me cut it. She didn't have much hair to cut, but it was just hanging down her neck. I ended up cutting an inch off! If she had curly hair on the ends like some children, I wouldn't have cut it. But since she was cursed with Mommy's straight hair I had no choice. She's still a cutie! The first picture is Addison being bribbed with a cookie so I could cut her hair. The second picture was taken after the haircut. I think it looks a lot better. Maybe it will grow faster now! Not sure who taught her the sign she is displaying in the second picture. Must have learned it from Dallas. =)


Dallas said...

HAHA!!! I'm dying over here. She learned that from Mommy while she's driving and gets her Atlanta road rage. :)
Her hair looks precious in the little girl bob! I love it! YAY for Trey allowing the hair cut. Now...just talk to Mark, please. :)

Erin said...

I know!!! I was posting the picture and saw her finger and just laughed. For some reason, I just thought of you! It really seems more like Andrea though. =) He,he, he!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dallas said...

Naughty Erin. :) I showed Mark and he died laughing. I do flip him the bird, he deserves it though. Hehe...

Anonymous said...

I love the haircut!

Jana said...

you did a wonderful job on her hair cute!

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