Friday, May 23, 2008
First Haircut
Addison had her very first haircut yesterday! I had to convince Daddy to let me cut it. She didn't have much hair to cut, but it was just hanging down her neck. I ended up cutting an inch off! If she had curly hair on the ends like some children, I wouldn't have cut it. But since she was cursed with Mommy's straight hair I had no choice. She's still a cutie! The first picture is Addison being bribbed with a cookie so I could cut her hair. The second picture was taken after the haircut. I think it looks a lot better. Maybe it will grow faster now! Not sure who taught her the sign she is displaying in the second picture. Must have learned it from Dallas. =)

Sunday, May 18, 2008
Addison's Favorite Things

Addison and Mommy

Addison loves ducks! We probably have about 75 ducks in our house.

Addison singing her ABC's with Puppy

Addison lovers her Radio Flyer

She found her shadow and was so intrigued

Here she is blowing bubbles. She actually blew one!!!

This shirt describes it all. She loves to have FUN! I also wanted you to see her hair. =)

Here she is pushing Puppy in the stroller.

Addison decided to crawl on the bookshelf. Little Stinker! She's definately a climber! She was on Mommy's china cabinet the other day, but I was too upset to get a picture. =)

Playing with her ball

Playing with chalk and stopping for a drink

(This is Mommy's favorite) Sassy little walk! Work it, Girl!
Friday, May 9, 2008
All In A Days Work
Addison was painting this afternoon after a busy day. She can climb out of the pack and play at the sitters house and today she actually managed to lock the door to the bedroom where everyone was napping. She has locked herself in her bedroom at home before and I didn't think to tell the sitter her new trick. But she found out today when Addison locked all the children in the room! Luckily, Marcia was able to unlock the door fairly quickly before Addison did too much damage. So we decided to take it easy and paint this afternoon. She looks so sweet and innocent! Don't you just love the cute bow that Jana made her? Go to http://www.uniquelyuboutique.com/ to get one of your own.

Monday, May 5, 2008
Addison and Abbi were cuddling on the couch with sick Mommy last night. Suddenly, Addison became bored and decided to play with Abbi. She was hugging Abbi, giving her kisses, pointing to her ears, eyes, and mouth, etc. Then Addison decided to give Abbi some juice to drink. It freaked Abbi out a little, but it was funny. Also, this is not on camera or video, but Addison went to Abbi the other night, picked up her front paws, and started playing patty cake with her!!! Nana got to witness this and said it was adorable!

Tag, You're It!
This week it was my turn to be sick. Addison and I both have not been well the entire month of April and May is beginning the same way. Since I'm feeling better for the moment and Addison is asleep, I thought I would post before Dallas got on to me again. =)
Addison and I were playing with bubbles the other day because she just loves bubbles. The Easter Bunny brought her a toy hippo that blows bubbles when you press a button and it is much easier than using the wand. However, Addison wanted to blow bubbles all by herself the old fashion way. She never actually blew a bubble, but she had fun and that's all that matters.

Do you see the look? She's gotten really good at it lately.

Notice the hair coming out from under the hat! How exciting!!!! We have hair!!!!!!!!!
Addison and I were playing with bubbles the other day because she just loves bubbles. The Easter Bunny brought her a toy hippo that blows bubbles when you press a button and it is much easier than using the wand. However, Addison wanted to blow bubbles all by herself the old fashion way. She never actually blew a bubble, but she had fun and that's all that matters.

Do you see the look? She's gotten really good at it lately.

Notice the hair coming out from under the hat! How exciting!!!! We have hair!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 1, 2008
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