Tuesday, April 8, 2008

This first picture is Addison's hair after she put peach juice in it during dinner one night. The next few are of her playing outside with sidewalk chalk. She played forever and kept wanting me to draw pictures, but I'm not a good artist. I decided to stick to the easy stuff. Then Addison named everything. She called the rainbow- "oboe", the butterfly- "fyefly", and anthing with letters were- "ABC's". She loves to play outside!


Anonymous said...

What a cutie! I thought she was sick- are we playing hookie?:) You are an artist. I couldn't draw a butterfly like that! WOW!

Erin said...

She is sick! I took these pics on Sunday and am just now posting them. I wish I could take pictures and post the same day. I'm still working on that. =)

Dallas said...

You mean you wanna be like Dallas with posting on the same day as taking them? Hehe...
I swear your baby looks more and more liker her Daddy every time I see pictures! Only a prettier version, sorry Trey!

Jana said...

Kennedy has some side walk chalk...i guess I should let her use it huh? too cute! She's learning so much!

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